Thursday, September 3, 2020

2020-08-23-31 Put-In-Bay

Friends Dan & Dawn organized an outing for the NOVA group to Put-In-Bay on South Bass Island on Lake Erie. It was a lot of fun. We toured the island almost daily and ate...a lot!

Our campsite...

Perry's Freedom Monument in the distance -

Lunch at the Boardwalk -

A Studebaker Avanti
This house is made from a boat!

Alan working from the Airstream! I had to work two 10 hour days Monday & Tuesday
Perry's monument -

Rallier's rallying...

A beautiful vintage Airstream at the campout, owned by Lindy -

The smallest State Park in Ohio! And it's on South Bass Island!
The ruins of the original resort

Welcome to Put-In-Bay!

Drinks at the Winery

Flamingo's and Airstreams go back to the 1950's. Airstream actually started that practice.

The NOVA mini golf tournament -

The Butterfly House (we only did the gift shop,as seen below)

Picnic at the Put-In-Bay park

This tree fell Sunday morning between two tents and an easy up!!!